1 mois d’expé en totale autonomie pour explorer la chaîne du mont Waddington en Colombie Britanique au Canada. Cela commence par une journée de bateau, suivie de 5 jours de marche (dont 3 de bushwhacking) pour arriver à un camp de base à 1300m d’altitude d’où nous lancerons nos assauts vers les sommets pendant 3 semaines avant de resdescendre en packraft avec tout le matos.

Voici un échange d’emails avec Rob et Laurie dont le dernier regorge de plein d’infos :

From Rob & Laurie (quintano@island.net)
Hi Dom,
We have been wondering what you have been up to and if your Waddington plans were still a go. At this moment we can say yes to using our cabin in Aug and Sept. You could put some tents up in our yard as well and have the use of our main house at times. We look forward to meeting these young climbers.
We enjoyed watching your new film and hope that it can be in the VIMFF and we will have an early vist from you.
At this time Rob is dealing with sciatica which has him somewhat immobile. At one point for 2-3 weeks he thought it was over but then it returned.
Something you might find interesting is that a young woman (only 20), who is the daughter of the publisher of Rob’s book, is making a film about Rob. The main part of the filming is now done although they will be interviewing a couple of other climbers. It is not expected to be out until next March.
She has done a couple of fund raisers for which went well. There were two trailers. I can not seem to get the trailer for the first one but this is the link to the second one. https://vimeo.com/358176148  You can also Google « The Zone Rob Wood » and find out a bit more.
While I was away at work a fellow stayed  here to help out Rob. He is a climber/ski mountaineer and was also a good friend of Fred Beckey’s (he looked after Fred for the last few months he was alive). I am sure you have heard of Fred Beckey as he and his brother were 17 & 19 when they did the second ascent of Mt. Waddington in about 1948. There is a great film out about him called « Dirtbag :The Legend of Fred Beckey ».
Anyhow keep us posted of your plans.
All the best,
Laurie & Rob 
From Dom on January 23th : 

Hello Rob, Hello Laurie

How are things going ? How is Rob’s Sciatica ?
On our side things are getting more precise. I have booked a plane ticket and should arrive in Vancouver on July the 30th. My plan is to go climb a little bit in Squamish first.
A few questions : 
1) Is it still ok with you that we would rent your garden cabin  in August and September ? this could be our early based camp to get everything packed.
2) Could you help us locate the base camp on  Google Map ? I need the coordinate to organize the plane food drop. 
3) On Google map there seems to have lake up there. Do you think a plane could land on it ? It would be way cheaper than Helicopter.
4) Do you have name, cell phone and email of company you would recommend for this food/gear drop ?
5) What about the boat ride to the end of the inlet from your place ? Should we get this organized in advance or we will do it once arrived.
6) Laurie, do you have a food dryer for us to use for dehydrating our food in preparation of our departure ?
7) Do you know of any logging activities in the area  that would make your life easier with the bush wacking. Do you have the cell phone or email of someone I could ask to ?
8) How was the condition of the bridge above the Homathko river about scar creek airport last time you went?
9) Would you have the cell phone of Jim Martinello ? He has not answered to my emails yet. He did it last year, but no luck so far this year. I would like to ask him some advice for the bush wacking path
The plan is still to leave to mount Waddington area mid August to mid September.
Yes of course I know Jeff becky and I have seen the Dirtbags.
My film « Loic and the Flolopapys » did not make it to VIMFF but is working quite well in other adventure film festivals.
I really look forward seeing you again this summer and share a little of this expedition with you.
Dom Snyers
Rob and Laurie on January 26th :
H Dom,
Good to hear your Wad trip is still on.
We are both well, thank you.Questions
1.   Yes. You have priority booking of our cabin  exact dates to be discussed later.
2.    I do not have access to Googl Earth on or computer  so I will have to wait for the exact coordinates
      The spot I had in mind  is a broad flat area meadow  with a lot of tiny lakes on the height of land (ridge) between  Scar Mountain and Pivot Dome very close to and with easy access on to the Upper Waddington                 Glacier  .Elevation  1200 m
3…..No lake ant where near for A float plane to land. Helicopter only.
4…..49 North Helicopters …2200 Airport Drive ..Campbell River…BC…..attention Bastion Fleury (mention our recommendation) 
5…  Way West …Water taxi… Campbell River  Ph 250 286 3050 (mention our name and pick up at our dock at Port Maurelle  and drop off at Homathko logging camp at the head of Bute Inlet 
6…..N…only pilot light in propane oven.
7…..Homathko Bridge N of scar creek Should be good . I will check and get back to you.
8…..I only know Jimmy’s home phone #    604 815 4324 number and email . I will give him a heads up
How many in your party now ?
What’s your estimated load (Kgs) for the helicopter(size /costx pick up at Port Maurelle To drop off at Waddington Glacier base camp 
Are you planning  to have the helicopter leave your pack rat canoes at Homathko Bridge for your retuntripdownthe valley?
Rob and Laurie
From Rob le 2 fev
Here are the lomg /lat co=ordinated for basecamp
51degrees 14.37 N     125 degrees 08.50 W
I  talked to Jimmy and he saisd he would chat with you onthe phone
He works nights and it seems like sat morn 10.00 is the best time to call him (1) 604 815 43240
I was just on the phone to Chuck BUJrchill who used to be the caretaker at Homathko Camp but is now retired.
He confirmed hat the dock wil be inplace for the watertaxi to land at Homathko amp 2 Km up the river from the head of Be inlet@.The main road up ythe eastside of the rivcer has beenreopened at leastas fra the Jewkwa bridge
The bridge accross tha HOmathk at 25 milejust up from the old Scar creek loging camp wilbeopenfor sure.